Sunday, February 9, 2014

Adding keyboard shortcuts to MS Word 2010: Accept Change and Advance

I have had to work with the tracking function of Word 2010 since I started to work with editors proofreading my bad English. oops.

Since it was too much of a hassle (2 mouse clicks) to get to the icon called "Accept Change and Advance," I decided to create a keyboard shortcut instead.

Following is the process it took for me to get the shortcut created:

Step 1. Click on the "File" tab and "Option." The "Word Options" window will pop up.

Step 2. Inside of the "Word Options" window, click on "Customize Ribbon" selection.

Step 3. When the functions for "Customize Ribbon" load on the screen, click on the button of "Customize" next to Keyboard shortcuts and the "Customize Keyboard" window will open.

Step 4. Inside of the "Customize Keyboard" window, once you select the category of "All Commands" (or "Review Tab" on the left, commands will be shown on the right side.  Look for the "AcceptChangeAndAdvance" as one of the command selections.  Then, place the cursor inside of the box under "Press new shortcut key:", press the shortcut key you want to use and click on the "Assign" button.  In my scenario, I selected "Alt+Q" since it is a combination not affiliated with any command.

Step 5. Once you click the "Assign" button, it will be reflected under the textbox under the title of "Current Keys."  Click the "Close" button and that's it!

Another keyboard shortcut I created and used frequently was "Reject Change and Advance."  I assigned the combination of "Alt+P" for this command.  Essentially, under Step 4, scroll through the list and search for "Reject Change and Advance" command and assigned the shortcut key "Alt+P" instead.

C'est ca!  Bon Chance and have fun!

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