Saturday, July 30, 2011

Canon PowerShot A570 IS: A camera with personalities

I am coming to this belief that... the longer my camera hangs around with me, the longer it becomes like me...

Earlier in the day, the camera showed me the message that the batteries needed to be replaced and it refused to turn on.

So I did one my usual tricks... I took the batteries out and put them back in.

It solved the problem and allowed me to take two pictures. (As long as you don't ask me why it works, and, amazingly, it works many a time so far.)

Hours later, I came across this red-tailed hawk by the park and thought... "Man... the batteries might have run out of juice again."

Interestingly, this round, the camera had no problem starting up and allowed me to take some video clips of the big bird and a picture as well... till the big bird flew away...

So I thought... maybe the camera only like to start up for the red-tailed hawk? 8-O lol

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Blogger in Draft

Just realize there is such thing called "Blogger in Draft."

The new blogger interface, I guess...

The first problem I identified seconds into my trial...  there is no scrolling bar next to the text box when composing using this interface and I have to use them wheels on the mouse to edit contents in my posting.

How on earth would they have missed that?  8-O 

Decided, as a result, to switch back to the ordinary blogger app.

Gotta say, though, at least it gives me something new to play with...

Friday, July 15, 2011

Burn ISO image on Mac

I have never tried to burn ISO image on Mac before and tired it out for the first time today.

It is a simple process.

When you put the DVD or CD in, this window might pop up asking for your input on what to do next.  Under Action, select Open Disk Utility and click "OK."

Otherwise, simply launch the Disk Utility program on your Mac.

Once the Disk Utility program is launched, click on "File" and select "Open Disk Image" from the drop-down menu.

The "Select Image to Attach" window will open.  Locate your image file (e.g., xxxx.dmg) and click "Open".

The image file can now be located in the lower left side of the Disk Utility program.  Select the image file of your interest and click on the "Burn" icon.  This should start the image burning process.

In this scenario, the SnagIt.dmg is the image file newly attached to the Disk Utility program, which will be burned to the DVD.

Once you click on the "Burn" icon, a small window will pop up- informing your of the progression of the image burning process.

When the process is done, the small pop up window will tell you so and the DVD, theoretically, should get ejected by the machine.

C'est ça.

Something new I learned to do today and did it successfully .


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

gmail server error screenshot

Just when I thought there is something new on this planet... I see for the first time this gmail email error....

One thing I did, though, right after seeing this error message was to back up all my blogs for fear that this turns into a more global inaccessibility for a time frame longer than temporal.

Though it did come back.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Blogger error 503

The thing about Technologies in Ratology is that...

You don't get to play with new things all the times and tech issues to be troubleshooted-- however we want want them to avoid-- don't come easy either...

The contribution of Blogger to my life today... intermittent service unavailability... something new, at least, though nothing I can do on my end...

Friday, July 8, 2011

Adobe Connect on iPad 2 and Acer Android tablet

So happy today because I finally got to use Adobe Connect on Ipad 2.

I have intended to try this out for the past two weeks.

Yes... although Apple doesn't allow for flash on Ipad, it is now possible to attend Adobe Connect web conferencing using the Adobe Connect Mobile web conferencing app.

It is a simple and straightforward process. You download and install the app from iTune store for free and click on the icon of the app on your desktop to run it.

Since I was unable to find someone else to conference with me at the time, I signed in as a guest to "connect" with myself.  In retrospective, I should have log on using the android tablet as well...  8-O lol

Played with Adobe Connect on Android tablet back 2-3 weeks ago with another friend and I found the experiences to be fairly similar.

The only problem I have with the mobile app is that... you can't do much with it other than attending the web conference.

Sure, you can talk or share your video captured by the webcam.

Yet, you can not share screen, share apps or share any other thing on your mobile device even if you are the host of the conference.

In addition, sometimes the app allows you to switch from the rear-facing camera to the camera facing the front.  Other times, it simply ignores all your commands.

Regardless, the app does make it possible for people to attend Adobe Connect web conferences.... and... I had fun!

Friday, July 1, 2011

SPSS 19 on Windows 7

Ran SPSS 19 for the first time on this Windows 7 x64 machine...

Didn't nothing fancy... I imported a dataset from a text file and ran some simple stats to test the software out... frequency, descriptive, correlation, ANOVA.... and even got some graphics generated!

Everything seems to be smooth and fine.

So far-- so good... based on the trial run.

Will let you know how I like this version after I run it a few more time with real datasets.... for the purpose of data analyses...

The best thing about SPSS 19 is that... it is back to be called SPSS.  lol

Apparently, there are some new features that I have not played with before... and would like to test them out in the near future.