Friday, July 1, 2011

SPSS 19 on Windows 7

Ran SPSS 19 for the first time on this Windows 7 x64 machine...

Didn't nothing fancy... I imported a dataset from a text file and ran some simple stats to test the software out... frequency, descriptive, correlation, ANOVA.... and even got some graphics generated!

Everything seems to be smooth and fine.

So far-- so good... based on the trial run.

Will let you know how I like this version after I run it a few more time with real datasets.... for the purpose of data analyses...

The best thing about SPSS 19 is that... it is back to be called SPSS.  lol

Apparently, there are some new features that I have not played with before... and would like to test them out in the near future.


  1. How did you install spss 19 on a windows 7 machine? I am experiencing JVM problems, and after installation it complains about the lack of pasw-cd-common.jar file... could you help me on that ?

  2. Hi, renato,

    I actually have another copy of SPSS 19 installed on a windows 7 machine earlier wishing to replicate the error you have experienced. Unfortunately, my installation went well. I did find a solution someone else provided in another discussion room. Hope it will help.

    1. Hi, renato,

      actually, just realized that my installation didn't go all that well. Yet, it was the side-by-side error that I got. Still didn't get to see the error you saw.
